
A brand logo is an element of a corporate identity, which in most cases is imprinted in consumer’s memory the strongest. It has a power to provoke instinctive associations, but also emotions based on a relationship between a consumer and a brand. It means that it has its value that should always be respected.

To breathe life into Gorsenia logo we got inspired by the beauty in a pure form- a woman. She was naturally our point of reference in this project, manifesting her presence on different levels. Round shape subtlety refers to a woman’s body and remains an internal part of the logotype being also the first letter of the brand’s name. Gorsenia’s products, which are dedicated to women are joined together with the targeted audience. This connection is somehow timeless. Fashionable powder pink and equally in fashion typography, which has a personal touch to it as it resembles handwriting.

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Agencja Kreatywna Creative Flow

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